letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor: Problems with Proposed Housing Project at 3055 Clement St.

UPDATE; The public hearing for 3055 Clement has been rescheduled to Jan. 13, 2022. 


‘I just got word of a proposed six-story, 60-foot-plus-tall building at the southeast corner of Clement Street and 32nd Avenue. (Reference: Public Hearing for 3055 Clement St. Project, record # 2019-022830AHB)

There are many issues with the proposed project itself; the fact it is being pushed through approval on seemingly invalid merits and in a stealth-like manner only adds to the gravity of the matter.

The project does not meet a number of critical Planning Code requirements and Planning Guidelines. For one, it is not a Tier Three HOME-SF project. The total number of inclusionary units is less than 30%, the minimum required. This is particularly problematic on multiple fronts. For the sake of space, I will only mention one.

The project is seeking a HOME-SF Authorization. The tier three designation grants a bulk limit exception in the form of a development bonus of two additional stories, each 10-feet tall. The project is on zoning district NC-1 40-X, which limits building heights to 40 feet. As such, the project — over 60-feet tall and gravely incompatible with the neighborhood — is about to be approved on invalid merits.

The project has been in the works for more than a year – the initial application was filed on June 12, 2020 – and the (final) public hearing for its approval is scheduled for tomorrow, Nov. 18, 2021. A large number of residents who will be adversely impacted by the proposed project, including me, were not informed of, or consulted about, the proposed building. We learned about it fortuitously.

The need for housing — and affordable housing, in particular — is a serious issue besetting our community. But the project does little, if anything, to address the need and a lot to highlight serious weaknesses with the city’s planning process and the commission’s seeming disregard for our community and priorities.

Alfredo Cahuas

5 replies »

  1. I looked at the building blueprints on the SFPlanning.org website (Look for “3055 Clement St” on https://sfplanning.org/page/public-notices-project-applications). The actual building height with the roof structures comes to 72 feet. The typical height of the single family homes on this block is only 30 ft. It’ll be one of the tallest structures in the Richmond district.
    One thing that stands out to me is that fact that there is NO OFF STREET PARKING in the plans for this tower. That means that the occupants of the planned 20 bedrooms will need to fight with the neighbors for street parking. Do anyone really believe that someone buying a $2 million condo won’t ever own any cars? That many extra cars on the street will impact the neighborhood for many blocks around.


  2. Many of our neighbors don’t know about this project. We JUST got a flyer this afternoon and the deadline to send out email to the Commissions.Secretary @SFGOV.org is 5PM TODAY???That is not enough time for our neighbor to review and to oppose for this building project. Also a lot us are not even home from work. The Hearing date is tomorrow 11/18, 2021 TIME:Not Before 1:00 PM. We don’t have enough parking in this area. It will add more street parking problem. The building is too tall in compare to all the 2 storey houses in the neighborhood. This building will block sunlight, and it should has its own parking garage.


  3. Blocking sunlight? too tall? no parking? your NIMBY-ism is outrageous! We need more housing!!! What is more important for the ENTIRE westside community? Additional housing or to not block sunlight or take up parking spots for a few people?

    I urge you to stop with your NIMBY’ism and think not for yourself but for our greater community. We need more developments like this one to be built so home prices can come down. I’ve lived here all my adult life and would like to stay here. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to find a small condo under $1M because THERE AREN’t MANY! Think of your kids, friends, neighbors like me that want to purchase a home to live here. It’s unattainable even with great salaries.

    Instead of saying NO to new development you should say YES but with conditions. Yes, but add parking. Yes but add affordable housing. Yes but change street parking rules. We can work around new developments but we should never say No to them.


    • JQ,

      This is not about NIMBYism, but about stopping careless, if not outright unscrupulous, development. Ultimately, it is about finding solutions that truly benefit our greater community and that, as you note, are sorely needed.

      3055 Clement was disingenuously presented, to put it mildly. The project was seeking an “award” — a development bonus granting it a material zoning exemption — based on false merits.

      This is akin to John Doe asking — would bribing be unduly suggestive of what happened here? — his teacher to give him an A on an exam he patently failed.

      The project had many other material shortcomings. I’d encourage you to review the project documents if you have not had a chance to do so.


  4. It’s good for business. The housing will be a windfall for Andronico’s and CVS located right across the Street. Looking at the BIG picture. This is the current political trend in California. Perhaps San Francisco. Build Build Build. The YIMBYs are in the ascendancy.


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