letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor: Where Have All the Foghorns Gone?


As a native San Franciscan, I have always loved the evocative sound of the foghorns on murky evenings. To me, the foghorns are truly the sound of San Francisco. But during recent foggy weather, my 10-year-old daughter remarked, “Dad, I never hear the foghorns anymore.” And I realized that I wasn’t hearing them anymore either!

I searched the internet for information, but there seems to be no data out there whatsoever about San Francisco’s silent foghorns. Has the City discontinued their use without fanfare, hoping that nobody would notice or care?

I’ve seen this City lose a lot over the years – affordable housing for working families, a vibrant downtown, many of my favorite shops and restaurants. But I’m really not prepared to lose our beloved foghorns!

I hope that you’ll look into this, and perhaps pressure the powers that be to bring back our foghorns!

Ivan and Gigi Briggs

2 replies »

  1. Great question. Like you, I was lulled to sleep by the foghorns when I was in high school here in the Richmond. And, like you, I miss them. Could it be changing weather patterns? Or maybe electronic communications?


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