Tag: Commentary

Commentary: Brian Quan

Heading into the holiday season after dwelling on ghosts has me thinking about Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol.” While winter weather is seemingly far away from San Francisco lately, the tale of Ebenezer being visited by three ghosts leading to his transformation and reformation feels ever closer in relation to what our City is facing.

Commentary: Quentin L. Kopp

As we prepare to pay our federal and state income taxes pursuant to two extensions granted this year by the always-benevolent Internal Revenue Service and Franchise Tax Board, I’m reminded of quips meriting reiteration, such as: “Sorry people feel the government owes them a living! The rest of us would gladly settle for a small tax refund.”

Commentary: Tamara McClintock Greenberg, PsyD

San Francisco is grappling with homelessness and a drug crisis. Perceived misunderstandings of harm reduction approaches, inefficient housing strategies, and uncritical acceptance of status quo policies by city-funded nonprofits are exacerbating the problems. The public pushes for stronger responses such as implementing more shelters and treatments, and police reinforcement. Innovative treatment programs like ‘Seeking Safety,’ stressing varying support measures, could be more effective. Policymakers must prioritize both the vulnerable population and community safety.

Commentary: Quentin L. Kopp

Chief Justice Earl Warren of the United States Supreme Court in the 1950s and ‘60s (who swore me in as a lawyer entitled to practice law in the U.S. Supreme Court, which I never did!), when governor of California, began a political address thusly: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m pleased to see the dense crowd here tonight.” A voice from the back shouted: “Don’t be too pleased. We ain’t all dense!”

Commentary: Brian Quan

We built things to make it safer, reliable and improved. If we needed to do that now, what would we face? Complaints about the noise created by the foghorns. Upsetting the natural views with a giant International Orange-colored suspension bridge. This is an opportunity for innovation and growth. We shouldn’t hold hostage any new changes to the need to prevent any possible harm. Community inputs and insights should be helping improve changes and understanding how to best mitigate the transition.

Commentary: War Memorial Trustee Kopp’s Comp Tickets at Taxpayers’ Expense

A perk of serving as one of Mayor London Breed’s appointees to the San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center’s board of trustees is the availability of complimentary tickets to performances by the San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Symphony and San Francisco Ballet companies. One trustee, former jurist and growling, frequently scolding, public purse watchdog, the proud curmudgeon Quentin Kopp, has taken advantage of this perk since joining the board in October 2021, and the California Form 802 monthly disclosures listing the number of free seats he’s received needs sunshining.