Tag: Environment

Press Release: Refuse Refuse Earth Day Cleanup

Earth Day, April 22, is soon approaching and we’re collaborating with Earth Day San Francisco and SF Rec and Park for an Earth Day San Francisco Cleanup in Golden Gate Park. Volunteers will help clean in GGP and the surrounding Inner Sunset neighborhood, and help gardeners with tree/plant maintenance in the park. Stay afterwards for the Earth Day SF festival and expo.

Letter to the Editor: Message of Hope for Our Environment

On Oct. 21, 2022, the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) held its Annual Conference in San Jose. Key take-aways include reevaluating our relationship with the land, Native American engagement, habitat for biodiversity on private and public land, and non-native plants and invasive weeds taking up spaces where native plants used to grow. As a member of CNPS and the Center for Biological Diversity, I have a message of hope to share.