Tag: gordon mar

City Hall: Gordon Mar

As we start a new year, I’m passing the baton to Joel Engardio as the new supervisor for District 4. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to serve the Sunset and San Francisco for the past four years. We have spent four years achieving real material wins for working people, changing the trajectory of the Sunset and challenging what is considered possible for this seat, this District and this City.

City Hall: Gordon Mar

Much has been said about how San Franciscans feel divided, on how controversy and contest fuels much of our local politics, and how we can’t seem to find agreement to get big things, or even basic things, done. In the face of this, finding common sense solutions, building consensus, bridging divides and, yes, compromising offers a real road forward. Here in the Sunset, we’ve been able to find common ground on some of the most hot-button issues to make real progress.

City Hall: Gordon Mar

A budget is a moral document. And our City’s budget, recently signed into law by Mayor London Breed, is not only moral, but balanced – fiscally and ideologically. It reflects a collaborative, constructive and historic investment in addressing the biggest priorities and challenges facing our City. 

City Hall: Gordon Mar

There’s no better time to enjoy the enchantment of some of our City’s premier open spaces, and now there’s no barrier to doing it. Last month, I joined Mayor London Breed in sponsoring and passing legislation to make the Gardens of Golden Gate Park free for all San Francisco residents starting April 21.